Sunday, 22 July 2012

"Blinded by the Light" - Health & Safety Muffle the Boss and Sir Paul

The sound was unplugged toward the end of a London Bruce Springsteen concert last week. Just as Bruce and his surprise guest Paul McCartney were about to close the sound was unplugged and the reason given?
The blanket statement of "...for health and safety."
The first question is what health & safety risks existed:
  • At 70 odd years old it was past Sir Paul's bedtime or just protecting his vocal chords.
  • The sound was so loud that nearby residents risked hearing loss.
  • The audience (probably mostly over 50) were at risk of over excitement and its consequence (being happy, heart rate up and loving being in a crowd enjoying itself.)
  • The sight of two of R&R's great stars was too bright and the audience would be "blinded by the light" (sorry couldn't resist that one)
It is such a common blanket statement that tells you absolutely nothing. It also gives those trying to promote Work Health & Safety a bad name.
There were no health & safety issues, the organisers or council authorities decided a curfew had been broken and the concert shut down. Instead of showing some courage or even independent thought they hid behind the blanket statement of "..for health & safety reasons". A rubbish statement joining " commercial confidence" as a great irritant of an excuse.

Using the term Health & Safety as blanket excuse in everyday activities (without giving any indications of  what the risks are) is an insult to the ability of people being able to make their own judgements.
 In the Australian workplace it is a requirement to identify workplace hazards and risks, assess and either eliminate them or control them. This risk management process also requires consultation with the people who may be at risk. A sensible and reasonable approach. An employee or an employer cannot make a "health & safety" call without it going through an assessment process. Blanket statements detract from the good work, health safety achieves in the workplace.