Tuesday, 17 April 2012

PCBU means what?

Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (under the WHS Act 2011) known as PCBU, is posing interesting dilemma's for some organisations.

We asked a few Work Risk Solutions clients what the term  PCBU means for them. Here are the 3 most common interpretations they came up with:
1. It's no different to being an employer under the old legislation.
2. I have more means to insist on higher OHS standards from contractors (who are now considered  PCBU's).
3. My managers who operate at different sites will be considered a PCBU. Thus I can expect a higher standard from them.

PCBU may sound like a new analgesic but it is causing some pain as organisations try to figure out if it is so different to being an employer under the old legislation.
It may take the first few prosecution cases to gain a full understanding of what PCBU means.

In the mean time review and where possible improve your risk management approach to managing work health & safety. Including monitoring and holding all people accountable for the efficient management of WHS.

This is the first in a series of looking at the new legislation, now that it has been in operation for a few months. As Work Risk Solutions assists its clients working through the legislation we will post blogs on the various interpretations and strategies used to meet legislative requirements.