Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New Legislation Cost Impact Survey

Below is an extract from the Safe Work Australia site in regard to the new national OHS legislation slated for introduction in 2012. 

It is strongly recommended that businesses participate in the survey. The results may impact on assistance that may be provided to support organisations update their OHS systems.

On behalf of Safe Work Australia, Access Economics has developed a web-based survey which will be used to assess additional work health and safety costs caused by existing differences in work health and safety legislation.

We are seeking individuals and organisations to complete the survey, as part of the public comment process. This will enable a stronger understanding of the current economic impact of having different work health and safety legislation across Australia.

The survey with close on 4 April 2011, along with the public comment period for the draft model Work Health and Safety Regulations and model Codes of Practice.

To access the survey directly please use the following link

Why this blog

The Work Risk Solutions blog exists to:
  • Share occupational risk management strategies that have proved their worth amongst our clients. 
  • Lead forums for discussion and adapting strategies to assist others in managing work related risks.
  • Promote discussion  on new legislation, standards and the outcomes and potential impact of relevant court cases.
The blog is not restricted to Occupational Health & Safety. Many of the strategies have had OHS as a starting point but expanded to include other areas such as quality, environmental, financial and public image. Others started in other areas and ended up included OHS.

We invite robust discussion from all sectors of business and the work place.